It's been a long time since my last post, but I thought I should try to squeeze one more in before 2009 comes to a close.
The last two months of the year were - as usual - busy ones for me, preparing for and celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas. Work was especially busy for me too, because in addition to preparing for, and assisting with, a big user test of our system which took place in the middle of December, I also helped with the office Thanksgiving Luncheon and the office Holiday Party as well.
Thankfully, all of those events turned out all right. I was especially proud of the office Holiday Party, because there were only three of us planning the whole thing, and we did a lot of work to make it something we thought people would enjoy. And happily, we all received lots of positive comments and thanks from many people, both during and after the party. I would also take this time to give a special "shout-out" and thank you to my husband, who served as "DJ Santa" for our party, and did a great job.
As I look back, 2009 was a pretty big year for me. I did a lot of things that I had never done before, and I think it's safe to say I enjoyed all of them. I also did some things I had done before, and not surprisingly, enjoyed them as well. :-) Here's a (hopefully) brief recap of some of the "big" things I did in 2009 - many of which I did with Brian:
February: We had a very fun Casino Party at our pub
March: We went on our first-ever cruise, and it was great!
May: I got a bicycle, and I started this blog!
June: We went to California for the first time - that was also great!
July: I got a new car - which I am still really enjoying!
August: We went to Niagara Falls, Ontario (for the first time in 21 years for me, for the first time ever for Brian) and Seneca Lake, New York (our second time there)
September: We started watching NFL football!
Those are all the things I can think of off the top of my head, but I think I covered all the major events. Oh, I did also go to a few concerts during the year - most notably, Bruce Springsteen and Depeche Mode, which were both great.
As I look back on the year, it was a pretty hectic and busy one, but that was mostly because I was busy doing lots of fun things. So I guess I really can't complain about that. :-)
I don't know what 2010 has in store - as of right now we have no vacations planned, nor any parties, but I'm sure we'll go somewhere and have at least one party. And as for work, it's going to be busier than ever for me in 2010, which I'm a little stressed about, but hopefully things will go all right. I won't truly know until the end of the year, though!
Well, I guess this is it for 2009. I would like to wish everyone safe and happy New Year's celebrations tonight, and may 2010 bring you nothing but good things!
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