On Thursday Brian and I went to our friend Jo Lyn's house to help her pass out candy. We don't get any trick-or-treaters at our house, and a few years ago this came up in a conversation with Jo Lyn. She said she gets a lot of kids for Trick or Treat night and that I could come sit with her and hand out candy if I wanted. I jumped at the chance! This was the third year I sat with her, and this year Brian joined us for the entire time as well.
We dressed up, as we always do, and this year we were quite the eclectic group.

As you can probably tell, Jo Lyn was a pirate. Brian was some sort of mummy/zombie creature with a giant sword. Can you tell what I'm dressed as? I'm supposed to be an "old lady from New Jersey." I got the track suit from my mom, who got it from some other woman (don't think she was from New Jersey, though). It still had the tags on it, from all those years ago! The wig was advertised as being a 'Wonder Woman' wig, but I thought it worked really well for my costume.
I even wore the required hosiery for the look:

The next day, since it was the day before Halloween (and a Friday, when people usually dress more casually), I decided to wear a semi-costume to work.

The "Cat Treats" in the basket were Swedish Fish and Kit Kat bars (also Sour Patch Kids, but only because they came with the Swedish Fish). I went around the office during lunchtime and passed them out to everyone. People seemed to get a kick out of it - and of course most everyone was happy to get some free candy!
On Halloween night, Brian and I went to a party at the local Elks Lodge with our friends Marc and Jen. I took my cat costume a little farther for the party than I did for work:

Brian dressed as Robert Smith, and he looked really good! (Well, as good as you can look when you're imitating Robert Smith :))

Our friends dressed as Philly Sports Fans.

We had a really good time at the party - we hadn't seen Marc and Jen for quite some time, so it was great to spend a fun evening with them.
Now, however, Halloween is over, and I guess I have to start dressing normally again. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted - and there's always next year!
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