Whew! After several miserable days of cold, steady rain, we are actually getting that Indian summer I thought was a 'distant hope' just a few days ago. Today was quite pleasant, and tomorrow and Thursday are forecast to be even warmer! And my fear that all the leaves would be knocked off the trees before they changed color was not realized. So my vision of blue skies and golden-leafed trees may still come true this fall! And, I still have a few more days to procrastinate in putting away my t-shirts and getting out the rest of my turtlenecks. But with this weekend's highs forecast to be in the 50s, I'd better not wait too much longer...
Of course, the Indian summer has coincided with the firing up of the boilers in my office building, so now the heat is on - just in time for 70-degree temperatures outside! I think I'd better wear a short-sleeved dress tomorrow - but I'll bring a cardigan just in case. 'Tis the season to dress in layers! :-)
If I don't play basketball, what DO I do? All sorts of different things, which you can read about here.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
first no summer - now no autumn?
The summer of 2009 felt different to me than most summers in recent memory have. I believe this was for a couple different reasons. First, for a personal reason: Brian and I didn't go to Las Vegas in August, like we have been doing since 2005. We instead went to Niagara Falls and Seneca Lake, New York: both water-related sites, quite different from the desert of Las Vegas (although Niagara Falls did have casinos).
The other reason the summer seemed strange to me - and almost not really like summer - was the weather. It never got really hot around here. Although we had a few 90-degree days scattered throughout the summer, we never had an official 'heat wave' of three or more 90-degree days in a row.
I'm not necessarily complaining about that, because I'm not the biggest fan of the summer heat (although it's the humidity that I dislike the most). However, those sweltering days are what I've come to associate with summer, and because we didn't really get too many, it never really felt like summer to me.
And, I found out that I wasn't the only person who felt similar to this - I came across this article by author Bob Greene a few weeks ago: Commentary: The summer that never was
So now we're in the middle of October - the heart of autumn. And when I think of autumn, I like to think of a warm golden sun, brilliantly blue skies, and breezes blowing the just-colored leaves, some of them fluttering to the ground here and there.
But once again, reality is not meshing with my expectations. Instead of the lovely scene I've described above, this week has been one of steel-gray skies, cold that goes right through to your bones, and an incessant, annoying drizzle. And just a couple hours north of here, people are getting snow!!!
I realize that this is not atypical weather for fall, but it really is way too early. I would expect 40-degree rainy days (and snow up north) around the end of November, but not the middle of October! The leaves haven't even fully changed colors yet! And now all this rain and wind may knock them off the trees before they get a chance to change.
So now, I'm kind of grumpy. I feel like I'm getting gypped out of two seasons this year - first summer, and now fall! I don't know why, but Nature is just not cooperating this year. :-(
I realize that there's a good chance we'll have an "Indian Summer" - where it will get really warm and sunny again for a few days- but right now that seems like a distant hope.
I just hope that if winter comes early this year - which, the way things have been going this year, seems entirely possible - that we will actually get a "good" one, with some decent snowfalls that will keep us home for a couple of days! Cross your fingers!!
The other reason the summer seemed strange to me - and almost not really like summer - was the weather. It never got really hot around here. Although we had a few 90-degree days scattered throughout the summer, we never had an official 'heat wave' of three or more 90-degree days in a row.
I'm not necessarily complaining about that, because I'm not the biggest fan of the summer heat (although it's the humidity that I dislike the most). However, those sweltering days are what I've come to associate with summer, and because we didn't really get too many, it never really felt like summer to me.
And, I found out that I wasn't the only person who felt similar to this - I came across this article by author Bob Greene a few weeks ago: Commentary: The summer that never was
So now we're in the middle of October - the heart of autumn. And when I think of autumn, I like to think of a warm golden sun, brilliantly blue skies, and breezes blowing the just-colored leaves, some of them fluttering to the ground here and there.
But once again, reality is not meshing with my expectations. Instead of the lovely scene I've described above, this week has been one of steel-gray skies, cold that goes right through to your bones, and an incessant, annoying drizzle. And just a couple hours north of here, people are getting snow!!!
I realize that this is not atypical weather for fall, but it really is way too early. I would expect 40-degree rainy days (and snow up north) around the end of November, but not the middle of October! The leaves haven't even fully changed colors yet! And now all this rain and wind may knock them off the trees before they get a chance to change.
So now, I'm kind of grumpy. I feel like I'm getting gypped out of two seasons this year - first summer, and now fall! I don't know why, but Nature is just not cooperating this year. :-(
I realize that there's a good chance we'll have an "Indian Summer" - where it will get really warm and sunny again for a few days- but right now that seems like a distant hope.
I just hope that if winter comes early this year - which, the way things have been going this year, seems entirely possible - that we will actually get a "good" one, with some decent snowfalls that will keep us home for a couple of days! Cross your fingers!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A strange transformation
Later on today, I'm going to be doing something that, if you had told me a year ago I'd be doing, I would have said, "Really? That's kind of surprising," but two years ago and prior, I would have said, "No way. I don't believe that at all."
No, it's not riding my bicycle - although those comments actually do match pretty well with my change in attitude towards bicycling over the past couple of years. (Not to mention the fact that it would be a good day for a ride today!)
No, instead, what I will be doing in a couple of hours is accompanying my husband to a local bar and grill to watch an NFL football game.
This may not sound remarkable, except perhaps when I mention that for more than 18 of the almost-20 years we've been together, Brian never cared for football at all. In fact, he and I would have "anti-Superbowl parties" each year, where we'd sit around, eat snacks, and not watch the Superbowl.
So why, now, do I find myself washing NFL replica jerseys each week and looking through my closet for purple or green tops to wear?
It started in August 2008. We were in Las Vegas for our anniversary vacation. Because every casino has a sports book, and all kinds of sports betting is allowed there, there are TVs everywhere tuned to sports channels. The big news at the time we were there was Brett Favre - whether he was going to retire, whether the Green Bay Packers would keep him another year, etc. It was on all the televisions at all hours of the day and night, and Brian became quite interested in the story. He was very excited when Brett Favre signed with the Jets, but I figured his interest in the subject of football would fade once we got back from vacation.
I was wrong. Not too long after we got back, after some persuasion by his friend Toly, Brian purchased the "Madden 09" football video game for the Xbox 360 (with Brett Favre- still in a Packers jersey- on the cover). He started playing it online with Toly, and he began getting into it. And playing the video football game seemed to give him a better appreciation for real-life football.
I don't think he watched a full Jets game last season when Brett Favre was playing, but when it came to be playoff season, both of us actually did watch a few of the playoff games - and even I found them to be pretty exciting. And, for the first time ever, in February of this year, we both watched an entire Superbowl game.
This summer, as you probably know, there was more Brett Favre drama, which Brian again followed very closely. In fact, early in the summer, long before Brett signed with the Vikings, he had a custom Vikings jersey made with Brett's name and number on it. He wore it in public a few times, and it caused quite a few comments and questions from people, which was pretty funny. He ended up returning that jersey because the number was peeling, but weeks later he was happily able to order an official Brett Favre Vikings jersey.
However, even though Brian is definitely a Brett Favre fan, he has not abandoned his support of the New York Jets. He has a connection to the Jets from way back - one of his favorite moves as a kid was the 1980 movie Flash Gordon, in which the lead character was a quarterback for the New York Jets.
So, in addition to owning a Favre Vikings jersey (and a Favre Jets jersey), he also has the jersey for New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez. And he's following both teams this year - so much so, that he's actually going elsewhere to watch the games when they aren't being shown locally. And, as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, I've been going with him.
There's a little more motivation now for Brian to more closely follow those two teams- as well as many others. Toly talked him into joining a Fantasy Football league this year, and with the help of another friend, Bob, who really studies and knows a lot about football, Brian set up a team. And as of right now, he's in second place in his league! He seems to be enjoying it pretty well, although he's the first to admit he truly doesn't understand every aspect of Fantasy Football. From what I've seen of it over his shoulder, it does seem kind of complicated, but I guess you don't really have to know every single detail about it to be able to participate - or win.
And so, after many years, our household has been transformed into a 'football household.' I'm still kind of marveling at this change, but I don't mind it. I've actually enjoyed watching the few games I've seen so far and learning more about the game. And Brian is happy to have me join him in this new pastime.
So maybe in February of 2010, we'll end up hosting our first-ever "Superbowl Party" - and cross your fingers that the Vikings will be one of the teams in the game! (I'd say 'or the Jets' too, but I'm not sure they have as good of a chance as the Vikings do. :-))
No, it's not riding my bicycle - although those comments actually do match pretty well with my change in attitude towards bicycling over the past couple of years. (Not to mention the fact that it would be a good day for a ride today!)
No, instead, what I will be doing in a couple of hours is accompanying my husband to a local bar and grill to watch an NFL football game.
This may not sound remarkable, except perhaps when I mention that for more than 18 of the almost-20 years we've been together, Brian never cared for football at all. In fact, he and I would have "anti-Superbowl parties" each year, where we'd sit around, eat snacks, and not watch the Superbowl.
So why, now, do I find myself washing NFL replica jerseys each week and looking through my closet for purple or green tops to wear?
It started in August 2008. We were in Las Vegas for our anniversary vacation. Because every casino has a sports book, and all kinds of sports betting is allowed there, there are TVs everywhere tuned to sports channels. The big news at the time we were there was Brett Favre - whether he was going to retire, whether the Green Bay Packers would keep him another year, etc. It was on all the televisions at all hours of the day and night, and Brian became quite interested in the story. He was very excited when Brett Favre signed with the Jets, but I figured his interest in the subject of football would fade once we got back from vacation.
I was wrong. Not too long after we got back, after some persuasion by his friend Toly, Brian purchased the "Madden 09" football video game for the Xbox 360 (with Brett Favre- still in a Packers jersey- on the cover). He started playing it online with Toly, and he began getting into it. And playing the video football game seemed to give him a better appreciation for real-life football.
I don't think he watched a full Jets game last season when Brett Favre was playing, but when it came to be playoff season, both of us actually did watch a few of the playoff games - and even I found them to be pretty exciting. And, for the first time ever, in February of this year, we both watched an entire Superbowl game.
This summer, as you probably know, there was more Brett Favre drama, which Brian again followed very closely. In fact, early in the summer, long before Brett signed with the Vikings, he had a custom Vikings jersey made with Brett's name and number on it. He wore it in public a few times, and it caused quite a few comments and questions from people, which was pretty funny. He ended up returning that jersey because the number was peeling, but weeks later he was happily able to order an official Brett Favre Vikings jersey.
However, even though Brian is definitely a Brett Favre fan, he has not abandoned his support of the New York Jets. He has a connection to the Jets from way back - one of his favorite moves as a kid was the 1980 movie Flash Gordon, in which the lead character was a quarterback for the New York Jets.
So, in addition to owning a Favre Vikings jersey (and a Favre Jets jersey), he also has the jersey for New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez. And he's following both teams this year - so much so, that he's actually going elsewhere to watch the games when they aren't being shown locally. And, as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, I've been going with him.
There's a little more motivation now for Brian to more closely follow those two teams- as well as many others. Toly talked him into joining a Fantasy Football league this year, and with the help of another friend, Bob, who really studies and knows a lot about football, Brian set up a team. And as of right now, he's in second place in his league! He seems to be enjoying it pretty well, although he's the first to admit he truly doesn't understand every aspect of Fantasy Football. From what I've seen of it over his shoulder, it does seem kind of complicated, but I guess you don't really have to know every single detail about it to be able to participate - or win.
And so, after many years, our household has been transformed into a 'football household.' I'm still kind of marveling at this change, but I don't mind it. I've actually enjoyed watching the few games I've seen so far and learning more about the game. And Brian is happy to have me join him in this new pastime.
So maybe in February of 2010, we'll end up hosting our first-ever "Superbowl Party" - and cross your fingers that the Vikings will be one of the teams in the game! (I'd say 'or the Jets' too, but I'm not sure they have as good of a chance as the Vikings do. :-))
Brett Favre,
Mark Sanchez,
Minnesota Vikings,
New York Jets
Friday, October 2, 2009
I just don't understand this...
The other day I was performing my regular ritual of cutting out coupons from the Sunday paper, when I happened upon an ad/coupon for a new product. Without going into any more detail at this time, let me just show you the ad right now...

You may need to view the larger version of the photo to be able to read all the words, but let me also just tell you that this is an ad for VIBRATING MASCARA.
OK, now I admit, I have only started regularly using mascara in the past couple of years, but I have never once thought as I was applying it, "Gee, I really wish this bristly wand I'm putting right next to my eyeball had a tiny electric motor in it so it would vibrate at a fast pace and most likely increase my chances of poking myself in the eye with it!"
I truly don't understand the point. Again, it could just be my lack of experience with the product, but I don't see how making the brush move around quickly is going to help improve your application of mascara. It kind of seems like something you want a steady hand for. (Forgive my ending the sentence with a preposition - it just sounded too stuffy the other way.)
And, of course, I can't help but point out the tagline in the ad... "Discover the power of vibration." They sure have left the door open for a slew of raunchy jokes and comments with that phrase! However, I will refrain from doing any such thing here. I'll leave that to the imaginations of those of you so inclined to think that way...
However, I would love to hear your (non-raunchy, please) comments on this product. Does anyone else have a better understanding of why the mascara-using population of the world is now better off because of this invention? Or are the rest of you just as baffled as I am?

You may need to view the larger version of the photo to be able to read all the words, but let me also just tell you that this is an ad for VIBRATING MASCARA.
OK, now I admit, I have only started regularly using mascara in the past couple of years, but I have never once thought as I was applying it, "Gee, I really wish this bristly wand I'm putting right next to my eyeball had a tiny electric motor in it so it would vibrate at a fast pace and most likely increase my chances of poking myself in the eye with it!"
I truly don't understand the point. Again, it could just be my lack of experience with the product, but I don't see how making the brush move around quickly is going to help improve your application of mascara. It kind of seems like something you want a steady hand for. (Forgive my ending the sentence with a preposition - it just sounded too stuffy the other way.)
And, of course, I can't help but point out the tagline in the ad... "Discover the power of vibration." They sure have left the door open for a slew of raunchy jokes and comments with that phrase! However, I will refrain from doing any such thing here. I'll leave that to the imaginations of those of you so inclined to think that way...
However, I would love to hear your (non-raunchy, please) comments on this product. Does anyone else have a better understanding of why the mascara-using population of the world is now better off because of this invention? Or are the rest of you just as baffled as I am?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Twinkie Sushi
A friend of mine at work is retiring tomorrow. He is a big fan of sushi, so today I brought in a special treat for him - Twinkie Sushi!
It's very easy to make. All you need is Twinkies, Fruit Roll-Ups, fruit snacks, and dried mango. You slice the Twinkies into about 1 1/2 inch slices, wrap a section of Fruit Roll-Up around the slice, then cut up the fruit snacks into smaller pieces and place them on top. The dried mango is used to represent the pickled ginger that accompanies sushi. For the wasabi, I just used a few of the green fruit snacks, which kind of looked like 'wasabi blobs.'
I've seen some pictures of Twinkie Sushi that have long thin green strands of something-or-other coming out of the rolls, but I don't know what they were made of, so I didn't add that to mine.
Still, I think it came out pretty good. See if you agree:
When I presented it to my friend, he was rather amused, and after trying a piece, he declared it to be 'very sweet.' But I think he appreciated it.
It's very easy to make. All you need is Twinkies, Fruit Roll-Ups, fruit snacks, and dried mango. You slice the Twinkies into about 1 1/2 inch slices, wrap a section of Fruit Roll-Up around the slice, then cut up the fruit snacks into smaller pieces and place them on top. The dried mango is used to represent the pickled ginger that accompanies sushi. For the wasabi, I just used a few of the green fruit snacks, which kind of looked like 'wasabi blobs.'
I've seen some pictures of Twinkie Sushi that have long thin green strands of something-or-other coming out of the rolls, but I don't know what they were made of, so I didn't add that to mine.
Still, I think it came out pretty good. See if you agree:

When I presented it to my friend, he was rather amused, and after trying a piece, he declared it to be 'very sweet.' But I think he appreciated it.
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